Keepers, 2014.

Nova u nizu serija fotografija Luke Tomca prati širok spektar pojedinaca koji dijele istu nesebičnu želju za očuvanjem svog lokalnog, prirodnog identiteta. Okupljeni u foto publikaciji koja objedinjuje različite lokalne okolišne borbe u kontekstu globalne borbe za autohtoni prirodni okoliš, pojedinci i njihovi ciljevi nedjeljivi su od njihovog pojedinačnog kulturnog konteksta. 

Rijedak uvid u svaku od ovih lokalnih inicijativa, nudi nam mogućnost autorefleksivnog promišljanja i razumijevanja naših “domaćih” inicijativa te omogućava da razumijemo širinu spektra pitanja koja bismo i sami tek trebali dotaknuti. Samim time smo potaknuti promišljati o svojim specifičnim prirodnim habitusima te načinima na koje ih svojatamo, u odnosu na to kako ih tretiramo. Izravan i dokumentaristički karakter fotografskog istraživanja Tomca posljedično nam omogućuje da kvalitetnije razumijemo prirodni prostor kojeg dijelimo i s kojim se neminovno osobno i kolektivno identificiramo. “Čitajući” fotografije razumijemo da borba za autohtoni okoliš nadilazi pitanje puke političke agende, već seže i do korijena našeg osobnog poimanja “sebe” unutar društvenog i prostornog konteksta, a nesebičnost aktivizma koji je borbu započeo predstavlja srž nove društvene promjene. Proizašao kao rezultat razgranate i čvrste međunarodne mreže nevladinih organizacija, projekt Keepers dokumentiranjem lokalnih ekoloških inicijativa na koncizan i svjež način predstavlja različite jedinstvene europske krajolike te, kao njene dionike, njihove ljudske zajednice. Njihova aktualna političko-pravna pitanja personificirana su nositeljicama i nositeljima lokalnih okolišnih pokreta koji nastoje uspostaviti novu ili povratiti ugroženu prirodnu ravnotežu čovjeka i prirode. 

Autor fotografija Luka Tomac, kao kreativna okosnica projekta Keepers, ostao je dosljedan dosadašnjem putopisnom i dokumentarističkom karakteru kadra, kojeg je ovog puta nadogradio osobnim emotivnim nabojem što ga reflektiraju ljudski protagonisti njegovih krajolika. Unutar serije je znakovito kontinuirano korištenje širokog kadra u kojem podjednako važne protagoniste predstavljaju male figure pojedinaca u njegovom središtu te samih monolitnih krajolika koji ih okružuju. Evidentno je nastojanje premetanja hijerarhijskog odnosa što reflektira svojevrsnu paradigmatsku promjenu suvremenog društva. U kadrovima portreta ljudska figura predstavlja tek personifikaciju privremene, aktualne borbe, dok u kadru dominantan krajolik simbolizira motiv i cilj, odnosno prošlost i budućnost suvremene zajednice.

Vrijedi istaknuti kontinuirano preklapanje čovjeka i prirode, kulture i krajolika u projektu Keepers, čime je izlaganje na otvorenom, javnom prostoru doživjelo svoje konceptualno zaokruženje, no definitivno ne i svoj konačan završetak. Projekt Keepers/Čuvari do sada je gostovao u Briselu (Belgija), La Velleti (Malta), Limasolu (Cipar), Ženevi i Lausanni (Švicarska), Tbilisiju (Gruzija), a nakon Zagreba i Dubrovnika izložba i knjiga nastavljaju putovanje prema Njemačkoj, Velikoj Britaniji i Norveškoj.

Vladimir Tatomir

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KEEPERS is a photographic exploration of a diverse network of people protecting nature across Europe. This book documents the tireless efforts made by activists and volunteers to undo the damage done to Europe’s precious ecosystems by irresponsible human activity. From the fjords of Norway to the mountains of Bulgaria, their work to preserve biodiversity and reverse its devastating loss is captured in stunning photographs that illustrate the stories of these inspiring people – who truly are nature’s keepers.

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The loss of our planet’s biodiversity is happening at an extraordinary speed and should be of urgent concern to us all. The collection of stories in this book shows how we as humans are inextricably embedded in our living world. We are completely dependent upon the nature that surrounds us for all the necessities of life, and the people whose stories are told here work tirelessly to protect it. The continued existence of vital species of flora and fauna cannot be taken for granted. We have seen from countless examples how quickly our biodiversity is disappearing, and that the rate of loss is accelerating due to damaging human activities.

Around the world, people are more and more threatened by this. Vulnerable groups on our planet are in danger of losing their ability to sustain themselves as the unique ecosystems they rely on are eroded and disappear. Meanwhile, there is a growing understanding of the complicity of our economic system in the devastation of nature. The remorseless logic of endless growth on a finite planet has wreaked havoc on the natural world, and in doing so is putting communities and indigenous people in ever more precarious positions.

Many groups in Friends of the Earth’s European network are working directly to protect nature, as well as on the factors that are driving this biodiversity loss in the first place. Irresponsible development, harmful agricultural practices, energy production and the commodification of nature all threaten fragile ecosystems on our continent. The diverse network of volunteers and activists fighting these dangers and standing up to protect biodiversity is both inspiring and an unfortunate necessity. They are our nature’s keepers. KEEPERS excellently displays both the unique natural wonders that we are in danger of losing and the dedicated work of those seeking to turn the tide.

Director, Friends of the Earth Europe

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In Europe, it seems that we have lost our link with nature. For children growing up in cities, nature is something distant, and perhaps even frightening. The paradigm that humans are separate from an external nature has come to underpin many of our ways of thinking and living, and leads to the biodiversity loss we now see through the degradation and destruction of habitats and the resulting species decline. By contrast, many communities, in particular indigenous communities, around the world still live in harmony with nature and see humans as part of it. This way of life is threatened and lost on a daily basis as a direct consequence of the economic and political system that demands growth beyond the Earth’s capacity. Nature is not external to the socio-economic system; the socio-economic system should instead operate within, and sustain, the Earth’s ecosystem.

Friends of the Earth International is working around the globe to protect biodiversity and support local communities living sustainable lives in harmony with nature. 

Not only do we need to support them, but we must also change our own relationship with nature. KEEPERS presents stories of people around Europe, young and old, women and men, who dedicate their lives to protecting and restoring habitats and biodiversity. Their stories show us why and how they do it. They fight damaging projects, they revive destroyed habitats and teach new generations to preserve nature. The future will show us that these nature’s keepers are true visionaries, keeping the treasure of Europe for future generations. Their stories tell us how we can live our lives with passion, purpose and modesty in harmony with other people and nature.

It is a story of true friends of the Earth, a story that shows how we can live our lives better and how, together, we can build sustainable societies.

Chairperson, Friends of the Earth International